WARNING! This powerful 1-page script is only for those that are truly willing to let go of their emotional lingering pain.
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If you are truly ready to leave your emotional hurt behind & want to unleash your infinite potential of manifesting the life of your dreams – This is the missing link you’ve been looking for
Hello Survivor,
I admire your bravery. You’ve sailed through an absolute sh*t-storm. After a never-ending emotional rollercoaster that kept on going for an almost unbearably long time…
Whatever you’ve been through it has altered the course of your life forever.
You’ve been hurt – badly. The very thought of forgiving the one(s) that hurt you so much that you feel beyond repair seems like an impossible task.
You’ve been broken into a million pieces & tried to glue yourself back together – only to find yourself so vulnerable you can barely function in everyday mundane tasks.
Getting out of bed everyday is an incredible achievement already. Giving up seemed like the easiest way out, but here you are – with your main objective: to survive another day.
People keep telling you: “You should go and seek some help. Go talk to someone. Get some therapy and everything will heal in time.” But you know yourself…
How can you forgive the One that has done something so unforgiveable unto you?
I hear you. I’ve been there. Done that. And… doesn’t work.
Just think about it for a minute. How much valuable time have you lost reliving these moments in your head?
This is time you are NEVER going to get back. It’s *poof* gone.
As long as you are holding on to your grudges (which in reality are the walls to the fortress of your comfort zone) you will never be truly free from the one(s) that hurt you.
In other words, the longer you are holding on to your past suffering, the longer you stand in your own way – stopping yourself from manifesting the life you wish to live.
The one(s) you are so disgusted with right now are like energy vampires sucking out your precious daily energy – whether you are consciously or sub-consciously aware of it.
You think you’ve blocked the past out? You think these energy vampires have been vanquished?
Let me tell you a secret…
As long as you are unable to forgive that … (I’ll let you fill in the blank), you will never find the peace your soul is craving for like oxycen.
I get it, I get it.
How on Earth can you forgive the one(s) that left you emotionally scarred for life, right? It feels like they would just get away with what they’ve done without paying their emotional debt to you.
But this is where it gets interesting.
Have you heard of such a thing called Karma?
The Universe, Dear Survivor, has got your back!
The Law of Karma is your rock-solid answer to all unforgiveable equations. Just like The Law of Attraction is to manifestation.
Whatever we sow we shall reap. Sometimes we don’t see the reaction to our actions rightaway. It may not go as fast as you want this Universal Justice system to work. But this is where you just gotta TRUST. THE. PROCESS.
Okay. So if that … (I’ll let you fill in the blank again) is taken care of, why does it still feel so impossible to forgive them?
Here, my Friend, is where you will have to take some imperative action yourself.
You see… you can’t control other people’s reactions. You can’t expect the perpetrator of your Peace to understand your pain, your hurt and a million other feelings you are experiencing. So stop seeking that validation from them. That’s not their job.
This Karmical relationship between you & them happened for an important reason.
(You are probably going to hate me for saying this, but it’s the God-honest truth.)
Your Soul CHOSE to go through this experience. It wanted to learn a valuable lesson – A lesson you are so very close to finally getting. Especially because you’ve read this far down this page.
You know deep down in your heart that it’s time for CLOSURE. You just don’t know how to do that yet.
But here’s a thought…
What if you could replace
Trauma with healing
Pain with Happiness
Drama with Peace
Emotional Scars with Wisdom
This script is for you if…
You are tired of blocking out painful past memories & want to actually resolve them once and for all
You Want to be permanently & energetically free from individuals that hurt you in the past
You Want to find long-lasting peace after a long time of emotional and/or mental struggle
You want to remove all blockages that are in the way between you & the awesome life you are destined to live
You want to transform your mediocre life to everlasting inner Happiness
Angèlia’s music started a huge wave of healing inside of me and it carried on to other members of my family.
Your music is so uplifting for me. It opened my heart, touches my soul and it reminds me of the place where I truly come from. I can hear Angels sing, really sing, when I listen to your music. Your music helps me to forgive, to feel peace within myself.
She has a quality and tone to her voice that heals. Thank you, Angèlia, for sharing your gift.
What’s Included:

3-minute transformational script pdf
3-minute transformational script audio recording in spoken word without music
3-minute transformational script audio recording in spoken word with sound healing background music